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Cardin Statement on North Korea’s Latest Missile Launch

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement Friday after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that fell into the Sea of Japan:

“Today’s North Korea ICBM test is further evidence—if further evidence is needed – of Pyongyang’s determination to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. The United States stands by our allies in Seoul and Tokyo, and there should be no question of our ironclad Alliance commitments to safeguard our common security and the people of South Korea and Japan. 

“Yesterday, Congress took action to impose additional sanctions on North Korea that I expect President Trump will now sign without delay. I hope that the United Nations Security Council also will take additional measures to address Pyongyang’s wanton disregard for the will of the international community, and the threat that its nuclear and missile programs pose to regional peace and stability. 

“This latest test also makes clear that the President’s approach to North Korea is not working, and I call on the president and his national security team to rethink how the United States can best combine pressure, sanctions, our alliances and our military might with agile and forward-leaning diplomacy to seek to effectively address North Korea’s malign ambitions.”
