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Cardin Statement on New Chinese Trademarks for Trump Organization

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement Wednesday after the Chinese government granted 38 new trademarks to the Trump Organization:

"This is an astonishing development. For a decade prior to his election as president, Donald Trump sought, with no success, to have lucrative and valuable trademarks granted in the world's biggest market. He was turned down each and every time. The floodgates now appear to be open.

“It’s clear to me that officials in Beijing have come to appreciate the potential return on investments for China in having a positive, personal business relationship with the President of the United States, who has not taken appropriate and transparent steps to completely sever his relationship from the corporation that bears his name. It is imperative that the State Department, the Commerce Department, and the Justice Department brief Congress, immediately, on these matters and on the potential Constitutional dangers that they present.”


Senator Cardin has led his Senate colleagues in introducing a resolution demanding the President sever his relationship with the Trump Organization or risk violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Last week, he wrote to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the initial construction trademark granted by the Chinese to the Trump Organization.
