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Cardin Says Trump Statements On Russia, Proposed Collaboration Put Country In Jeopardy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement Sunday in response to President Trump’s series of statements about Russia:

“Russia did not just meddle in our election - it engaged in a sophisticated attack equivalent to a political Pearl Harbor. They hacked our democratic institutions, spread lies through the media, and financed efforts to support the Trump campaign. 

“Now President Trump wants to work with Russia on cyber defense, takes Putin’s lie that he did not interfere in our election at face value, and pours cold water on the sanctions package Congress is working to send him. President Trump’s words and potential actions place our country and all that we cherish in jeopardy, and there is no logical reason he would reward or appease Mr. Putin.

“I call on Speaker Ryan and Majority Leader McCarthy to summon the political will to immediately take action on the bill the Senate passed with strong bipartisan support. Any further political games endanger our country.”
