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Cardin Renews Call to Fully Fund Embassy Security Priorities at High Risk, High Threat Posts

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, renewed his repeated requests for Congress to fully fund embassy security priorities at high risk, high threat posts to prevent future attacks against U.S. facilities overseas.

“After three years of posturing, grandstanding, and conspiracy theories, we are no closer to fully funding our embassy security priorities to prevent a future Benghazi-style attack from ever happening again,” said Senator Cardin. “The Benghazi attack resulted in the tragic loss of four American lives, including the distinguished U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens. It has resulted in 32 hearings, 11 reports, and a thorough investigation, but no congressional action to fund our embassy security needs to protect our diplomats overseas. A politicized Select Committee on Benghazi continues to unfortunately look backward, when Congress must take action and fulfill our responsibilities by prioritizing and fully funding embassy security construction to help safeguard American lives in high risk, high threat diplomatic posts.”
