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  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement following the killing of Bate Urgessa, a leader of the Oromo Liberation Front, in Meki in Oromia.“The killing of Bate Urgessa on Tuesday night was shocking and upsetting. I offer my deepest condolences to the family for their...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), and Pete Ricketts (R-Neb.) and Chair and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation, announced they introduced a resolution...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered opening remarks at the full Committee hearing on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) FY2025 budget request. WATCH THE CHAIR’S OPENING REMARKS HERE. More information about the hearing is available here. A copy...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement calling on the international community to apply pressure on Hamas to accept the current deal to ensure hostages can be returned home safely and stop hostilities in Gaza. “I urge the international community to use maximum leverage...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with Senators Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Chairman and Ranking Member of the SFRC Subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy, and...
  • The live stream will start at approximately 10am ET. WASHINGTON – On Tuesday, April 9, at 10:00am ET, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will host a bipartisan and bicameral group of lawmakers, human rights groups, and policy organizations to call for the immediate release of Vladimir Kara-Murza, a...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, along with Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.), issued a bipartisan statement on the situation in Venezuela as the Maduro regime continues to repress the leading Venezuelan opposition leader, María Corina Machado ahead of...
  • WASHINGTON – This week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will convene for one press event, one full Committee hearing, and one Subcommittee hearing.MEDIA POLICY: Press seating is limited. All media must RSVP to your respective gallery to reserve a seat, and only Hill-credentialed media will be permitted to attend. RSVP for all committee...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement commemorating NATO’s 75th anniversary. “For 75 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has endured as a pillar of transatlantic safety, security, and peace. Today, our alliance is stronger than...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after the Ugandan Constitutional Court ruled to leave the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Act largely in place. “I am deeply troubled by the news that the Anti-Homosexuality Act remains largely intact, including a...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement following the deaths of World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza: “Myrna and I extend our deepest condolences to the families, colleagues, and communities of the World Central Kitchen aid workers who lost their lives providing critical...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on congressional Republicans' refusal to reauthorize the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) for five years. This is the first time the historically bipartisan initiative was not renewed for a five-year period since it...
  • WASHIGNTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor welcoming the appointment of Special Envoy Tom Perriello, calling for international attention to address the urgent humanitarian need and pressing for accountability for human rights abuses by armed actors. “I come...
  • WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released a statement following a deadly terrorist attack on a crowded concert hall near Moscow on Friday that left at least 133 people dead. “Myrna and I extend our heartfelt condolences to the victims and families whose lives will be forever...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on final passage of the FY24 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations bill:“I am happy to see Congress pass an FY24 spending bill to continue funding our diplomatic corps as we work to advance our national...
  • WASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, sent a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken commending the U.S. Department of State for proposing non-discrimination rules to help ensure that all individuals are able to benefit from our U.S. foreign assistance programs, promoting U.S....
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered opening remarks at the full Committee hearing, “Implementation of the U.S. Anti-Corruption Strategy,” where he stressed the importance of combatting corruption at home and abroad as a core national security priority. “Our Founding Fathers...
  • WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced that he and Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, have introduced the International Freedom Protection Act, legislation to update and strengthen the U.S. approach to countering...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, delivered opening remarks at a Committee business meeting to consider the nominations of four highly qualified nominees that have been waiting to receive a Committee vote for an average of nearly 400 days. The nominees included Margaret L. Taylor...
  • WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on the passage of Article 23 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law.“I am deeply concerned about the passage of Article 23 by the Hong Kong government, as it continues to act at the behest of Beijing. Article 23’s broad and vague definitions,...