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Corker Statement on President Obama’s Proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, made the following statement about President Barack Obama’s proposed authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) against ISIS that was submitted to Congress today. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has jurisdiction over AUMF legislation.

"I appreciate the president following the long tradition of seeking authorization for the use of military force from Congress,” said Sen. Corker. “It also will be important that the president exert leadership, lay out a clear strategy for confronting the threat posed by ISIS, and do the hard work of making the case to the American people why this fight is necessary and one we must win. We will quickly begin to hold rigorous hearings where the administration will have an opportunity to provide Congress and the American people greater clarity on the U.S. strategy to address ISIS, particularly in Syria. Voting to authorize the use of military force is one of the most important actions Congress can take, and while there will be differences, it is my hope that we will fulfill our constitutional responsibility, and in a bipartisan way, pass an authorization that allows us to confront this serious threat.”
