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Full Committee Hearing

Authorizations of Use of Force: Administration Perspectives

Full Committee
Time: 10:10am
Location: SD-106 and Videoconference


For this hearing, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will follow guidelines developed in consultation with the Office of the Attending Physician (OAP), the Senate Sergeant at Arms, and the Senate Rules Committee to protect the health of members,witnesses, staff, and the public. This includes maintaining six-foot social distance spacing in the hearing room.

Accordingly, press seating is limited. All media must RSVP to your respective gallery to reserve a seat, and only Hill-credentialed media will be permitted to attend. 

Per CDC guidelines, press should wear a mask. Masks and other PPE, as well as sanitation supplies, will be available at the entrance to the hearing room.  

Pursuant to guidance from the CDC and OAP, Senate office buildings are currently not open to the public other than official business visitors and credentialed press at this time. Accordingly, other in-person visitors cannot be accommodated at this hearing.


  1. 1. The Honorable Wendy Sherman

    Deputy Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, D.C.
  2. 2. Mr. Richard Visek

    Acting Legal Adviser
    U.S. Department of State
    Washington, D.C.
  3. 3. The Honorable Caroline Krass

    General Counsel
    Department of Defense
    Washington, D.C.

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