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Subcommittee Hearing

U.S.- Burma Relations

Time: 02:30pm
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Panel 1

  • 1. The Honorable Mitch McConnell

    United States Senate

Panel 2

  • 1. Dr. Michael J. Green

    Senior Advisor and Japan Chair
    Center for Strategic and International Studies
    Washington, DC
  • 2. Dr. Sean Turnell

    Co-Founder and Editorial Board Member, Burma Economic Watch
    Macquarie University
    Sydney, Australia
  • 3. Ms. Thin Thin Aung

    Joint General Secretary
    Women's Rights and Welfare Association of Burma
    New Delhi, India

Panel 3

  • 1. Mr. Eric G. John

    Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
    Department of State
    Washington, DC

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