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Full Committee Hearing

Syria: Options and Implications for Lebannon and the Region

Time: 02:30pm
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building


Additional witnesses may be added


  1. 1. Senator Richard Lugar

    Republican, IN

Panel I

  • 1. The Honorable C. David Welch

    Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
    Department of State
    Washington, DC

Panel II

  • 1. Dr. Robert Malley

    Director of Middle East and North Africa Program
    International Crisis Group
    Washington, DC
  • 2. Dr. David W. Lesch

    Professor of Middle East History
    Trinity University
    San Antonio, TX
  • 3.  Emile el-Hokayem

    Research Fellow, Southwest Asia/Gulf Program
    The Henry L. Stimson Center
    Washington, DC

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