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Full Committee Hearing

Securing America's Interests in Iraq: The Remaining Options: Military and Security Strategy

Time: 09:30am
Location: 216 Hart Senate Office Building


  1. 1. Senator Richard Lugar

    Republican, IN


  • 1. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret.)

    President, BR MCCaffrey Associates LLC, Adjunct Professor of International Affairs
    United States Military Academy
    Arlington, VA
  • 2. General Jack Keane, USA (Ret.)

    Former Vice Chief of Staff
    United States Army
    Washington, DC
  • 3. General Joseph P. Hoar, USMC (Ret.)

    Former Commander in Chief
    US Central Command
    Del Mar, CA
  • 4. Lt. General William E. Odom, USA (Ret.)

    Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
    Former Director of the National Security Agency
    Del Mar, CA

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