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Full Committee Hearing

Democracy in Hong Kong

Time: 02:30pm
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Panel I

  • 1. Mr. Randy Schriver

    Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of East Asia & Pacific Affairs
    Department of State
    Washington, DC

Panel II

  • 1. Mr. Martin Lee

    Member of Legislative Council
    Hong Kong
  • 2. Mr. James To

    Member of Legislative Council
    Hong Kong
  • 3. Mr. Lee Cheuk-yan

    Member of Legislative Council
    Hong Kong
  • 4. Mr. Law Yuk-Kai

    Human Rights Monitor Director
    Hong Kong

Panel III

  • 1. Professor James Feinerman

    James M. Morita Professor of Asian Legal Studies
    Georgetown University Law Center
    Washington, DC
  • 2. Ms. Ellen Bork

    Deputy Director
    The Project for a New American Century
    Washington, DC
  • 3. Mr. John Tkacic

    Reasearch Fellow in China Policy
    The Heritage Foundation
    Washington, DC