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Full Committee Hearing

A Fresh Start for Haiti? Charting the Future of U.S.-Haitian Relations

Time: 02:30pm
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Panel I

  • 1. The Honorable Mike DeWine

    United States Senate
  • 2. The Honorable Bob Graham

    United States Senate
  • 3. The Honorable Elijah Cummings

    Congressional Black Caucus
  • 4. The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee

    United States House of Representatives
  • 5. The Honorable Maxine Waters

    United States House of Representatives

Panel II

  • 1. The Honorable Roger F. Noriega

    Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
    Department of State
    Washington, DC
  • 2. The Honorable Adolfo A. Franco

    Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
    United States Agency for International Development
    Washington, DC

Panel III

  • 1. The Honorable James F. Dobbins

    Director, International Security and Defense Policy Center
    National Security Research Division RAND Corp.
    Washington, DC
  • 2. The Honorable Lawrence Pezzullo

    Former U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti (ret.)
    Washington, DC
  • 3. Mr. Michael Heinl

    Co-Author, <i>Written in Blood, The Story of the Haitian People 1492-1995</i>
    Washington, DC
  • 4. Dr. Robert Maguire

    Director of Programs in International Affairs
    Trinity Washington University
    Washington, DC