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Business Meeting

Time: 02:15pm
Location: Senate Dirksen 419



1.       S.960, A Bill Relating to the Situation in Syria Syrian Transition Support Act of 2013, with amendments

2.       S. Res. 143, World Press Freedom Day

The following action was taken at today’s business meeting:

A Manager’s package of amendments was agreed to by voice vote.

A Casey second degree amendment was agreed to by voice vote.

Casey first degree amendment # 8 (as modified by the Casey second degree amendment) was agreed to by voice vote.

Paul amendment # 1 failed by a roll call vote of 2-15.

Udall amendment # 1 failed by a roll call vote of 4-14.

Paul amendment # 6 failed by a roll call vote of 2-15.

S. 960, the Syrian Transition Support Act of 2013, was ordered reported by a roll call vote of 15-3.

S. Res. 143, World Press Freedom Day was agreed to by voice vote.