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Business Meeting

Time: 02:30pm
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building



1. S. J. Res. 20, a joint resolution authorizing the limited use of the United States Armed Forces in support of the NATO mission in Libya


2. Mr. Donald Koran, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Rwanda

3. Ms. Geeta Pasi, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti

4. Mr. Lewis Lukens, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal and to serve concurrently as Ambassador to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau

5. The Honorable Jeanine E. Jackson, of Wyoming, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi

6. Mr. James H. Thessin, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Paraguay

7. Mr. D. Brent Hardt, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

8. Ms. Lisa J. Kubiske, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Honduras

9. Ariel Pablos-Mendez, of New York, to be Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development

10. The Honorable Anne W. Patterson, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Arab Republic of Egypt

11. Mr. Michael H. Corbin, of California, to be Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates

12. Mr. Matthew H. Tueller, of Utah, to be Ambassador to Kuwait

13. Mr. Kenneth J. Fairfax, of Kentucky, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan

14. Ms. Susan L. Ziadeh, of Washington, to be Ambassador to Qatar

15. Mr. Jonathan D. Farrar, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Nicaragua

16. Mr. Richard M. Moy, of Montana, to be a Commissioner on the part of the United States on the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada

17. Ms. Dereth B. Glance, of New York, to be a Commissioner on the part of the United States on the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada

18. Mr. Roberto R. Herencia, of Illinois, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private  Investment Corporation for a term expiring December 17, 2012

Foreign Service Lists

19. Naadia Lisa Porter, et al., dated May 12, 2011