1. NATO expansion protocols (Treaty Doc. 110-20)
2. 3 Amendments to the ITU Convention and
   Constitution (Treaty Docs. 108-5, 109-11,
   and 110-16)
3. S. 2609, a bill to establish a Global Service
   Fellowship Program, and for other purposes,
   with amendments.
4. S. 3103, the International Space Station
   Payments Act of 2008.
5. S. 1007, United States-Brazil Energy
   Cooperation Pact of 2007, with amendments
6. S. 3426, Foreign Service Overseas Pay
   Equity Act of 2008.
7. S. Res. 598, expressing the sense of the Senate
   regarding the need for the United States to lead
   renewed international efforts to assist developing
   nations in conserving natural resources and preventing
   the impending extinction of a large portion of
   the world's plant and animal species.
8. S. ___, Security Assistance Act.
9. S. ___, An original bill to approve the
   United States-India Agreement for Cooperation on
   Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy,
   and for other purposes.
1. Brian Hook
2. Sung Y. Kim
3. Gregori Lebedev
4. Clifford May
5. C. Steven McGann
6. Dennis Mulhaupt
7. Matthew Reynolds
8. Carol Rodley