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Business Meeting

Time: 02:15pm
Location: S-116 Capitol Building
There is no video broadcast for this event.



22. H.R. 3913, To amend the International Center Act to authorize the lease or sublease of certain property described in such Act to an entity other than a foreign government or international organization if certain conditions are met.

23. S. Res. 550, A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding provocative and dangerous statements made by the Government of the Russian Federation that undermine the territorial integrity of the Republic of Georgia.

24. S. 3024, A bill to authorize grants to the Eurasia Foundation, and for other purposes.

Foreign Service Lists:

20. Craig Lewis Cloud, et al., dated April 15, 2008.

21. Carmine G. D’Aloisio, et al., dated April 23, 2008.


  • 1.  Janice L. Jacobs

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs
  • 2.  T. Vance McMahan

    Nominee to be Representative of the U.S. on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador and an Alternate Representative of the United States to the Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, during his tenure of service as Representative of the United States on the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
  • 3.  Robert Stephen Beecroft

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  • 4.  James B. Cunningham

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the State of Israel
  • 5.  Richard E. Hoagland

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 6.  Joseph Evan LeBaron

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Qatar
  • 7.  Marcia Stephens Bloom Bernicat

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
  • 8.  Gillian Arlette Milovanovic

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Mali
  • 9.  Donald Gene Teitelbaum

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Ghana
  • 10.  Linda Thomas-Greenfield

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia
  • 11.  Patricia McMahon Hawkins

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Togolese Republic
  • 12.  Peter W. Bodde

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi
  • 13.  Donald E. Booth

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Zambia
  • 14.  Marianne Matuzic Myles

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Cape Verde
  • 15.  Stephen James Nolan

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana
  • 16.  Richard A. Boucher

    Nominee for the personal rank of Career Ambassador in recognition of especially distinguished service over a sustained period
  • 17.  William J. Burns

    Nominee for the personal rank of Career Ambassador in recognition of especially distinguished service over a sustained period
  • 18.  Annie Woods Patterson

    Nominee for the personal rank of Career Ambassador in recognition of especially distinguished service over a sustained period
  • 19.  C. David Welch

    Nominee for the personal rank of Career Ambassador in recognition of especially distinguished service over a sustained period