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Business Meeting

Time: 02:15pm
Location: S-116 Capitol Building
There is no video broadcast for this event.



7. S. 805, A bill to amend the Foreign Assistance Act
   of 1961 to assist countries in sub-Saharan Africa
   in the effort to achieve internationally recognized goals
   in the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS
   and other major diseases and the reduction
   of maternal and child mortality by improving human
   health care capacity and improving retention of
   medical health professionals in sub-Saharan African,
   and for other purposes, with amendments.

8. S. 968, A bill to amend the Foreign Assistance Act
   of 1961 to provide increased assistance for the
   prevention, treatment, and control of tuberculosis,
   and for other purposes, with an amendment
   in the nature of a substitute.

9. S. 1839, A bill to require periodic reports
   on claims related to acts of terrorism against Americans
   perpetrated or supported by the Government of Libya.

10. S. 2020, A bill to reauthorize the
   Tropical Forest Coral Conservation Reauthorization
   Act of 2007 and for other purposes,
   with an amendment to the title.

11.H.R. 1678, To amend the Torture Victims Relief Act
   of 1998 to authorize appropriations to provide
   assistance for domestic and foreign programs
   and centers for the treatment of victims of torture,
   and for other purposes.    


12.Patent Law Treaty and Regulations
   Under the Patent Law Treaty (Treaty Doc. 109-12).

13.The Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement
   Concerning the International Registration of Industrial
   Designs (Treaty Doc. 109-21).

14.The Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks
   (Treaty Doc. 110-2).

15.Protocol to the 1951 Treaty of Friendship,
   Commerce, and Navigation between
   the United States and Denmark (Treaty Doc. 108-8).


  • 1. The Honorable Henrietta Holsman Fore

    Nominee to be Administrator
    United States Agency for International Development
  • 2. The Honorable Henry K. Thomas, Jr.

    Nominee to be Director General of the Foreign Service
  • 3. The Honorable Nancy Goodman Brinker

    Nominee to be Chief of Protocol, and to have the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service
  • 4. The Honorable Ned L. Siegel

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
  • 5. The Honorable Margaret Spellings

    Nominee to be designated a Representative of the United States of America to the Thirty-fourth Session of the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
  • 6. The Honorable Paula J. Dobriansky

    Nominee for the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service as Special Envoy for Northern Ireland