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Business Meeting

Time: 02:15pm
Location: S-116 The Capitol
There is no video broadcast for this event.


The Committee will consider and vote on the
following agenda items:


Convention on Supplementary Compensation for
Nuclear Damage
(Treaty Doc. 107-21)   


S.Res.312, A resolution expressing the sense of the
   Senate regarding the need for the United States to
   address global climate change through the negotiation
   of fair and effective international commitments, with
S.Res.359, a resolution concerning the Government of
   Romania's ban on intercountry adoptions and the
   welfare of orphaned or abandoned children in Romania
S.Res.456, a resolution expressing the sense of the
   Senate on the discussion by the North Atlantic Council
   of secure, sustainable, and reliable sources of energy
S.Res.469, a resolution condemning the April 25,
   2006, beating and intimidation of Cuban dissident
   Martha Beatriz Roque
S.559, Protection of Vulnerable Populations During
   Humanitarian Emergencies Act of 2005, to make the
   protection of vulnerable populations, especially women
   and children, who are affected by a humanitarian
   emergency a priority of the United States Government,
   and for other purposes, with amendments
S.1950, United States-India Energy Security
   Cooperation Act of 2005, to promote global energy
   security through increased cooperation between the
   United States and India in diversifying sources of
   energy, stimulating development of alternative fuels,
   developing and deploying technologies that promote
   the clean and efficient use of coal, and improving
   energy efficiency, with amendments
S.2125, Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief,
   Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005, to
   promote relief, security, and democracy in the
   Democratic Republic of the Congo
S.2200, United States-Poland Parliamentary Youth
   Exchange Program Act of 2006, to establish a United
   States-Poland parliamentary youth exchange program,
   and for other purposes, with amendments
S.2566, Cooperative Proliferation Detection,
   Interdiction Assistance, and Conventional Threat
   Reduction Act of 2006, to provide for coordination of
   proliferation interdiction activities and conventional
   arms disarmament, and for other purposes, with
   technical amendments
S.2697, United States Ambassador for ASEAN Act,
   to establish the position of the United States
   Ambassador for ASEAN, with technical amendments

FSO Promotions Lists:

Brent Royal Bohne, et al
   Dated February 17, 2006
Craig B. Allen, et al
   Dated March 30, 2006
Anita Katial, et al
   Dated April 24, 2006


  • 1.  Rajkumar Chellaraj

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for Administration
  • 2.  Patricia P. Brister

    Nominee for the rank of Ambassador during her tenure of service as the U.S. Representative on the Commission on the Status of Women of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
  • 3.  Warren W. Tichenor

    Nominee to be the U.S. Representative to the Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, with the rank of Ambassador
  • 4.  Mark C. Minton

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Mongolia
  • 5.  Robert F. Godec

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tunisia
  • 6. The Honorable Robert S. Ford

    of Vermont, to be Ambassador to the Syrian Arab Republic
  • 7. The Honorable Earl Anthony Wayne

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Argentina
  • 8.  David M. Robinson

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana
  • 9.  Lisa Bobbie Schreiber Hughes

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Suriname
  • 10.  Anne E. Derse

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • 11. The Honorable William B. Taylor, Jr.

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Ukraine
  • 12.  Daniel S. Sullivan

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs
  • 13.  Goli Ameri

    Nominee to be U.S. Representative to the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • 14.  Duane Acklie

    Nominee to be Alternate U.S. Representative to the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • 15.  Robert C. O'Brien

    Nominee to be Alternate U.S. Representative to the Sixtieth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
  • 16.  Michael D. Kirby

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova
  • 17.  John A. Cloud, Jr.

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania
  • 18. The Honorable April H. Foley

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Hungary
  • 19. The Honorable Tracey Ann Jacobson

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan
  • 20.  Michael Wood

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Sweden
  • 21.  Robert Anthony Bradtke

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia