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Business Meeting

Time: 02:15pm
Location: S-116 Capitol Building
There is no video broadcast for this event.



• Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism
   (Treaty Doc 107-18)

• Protocol of Amendment to the International Convention
   on Simplification and Harmonization of Customs
   Procedures (Treaty Doc. 108-6)

• Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime
   (Treaty Doc. 108-11)

• United Nations Convention Against Transnational
   Organized Crime, with two supplementary protocols:
   (1) The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish
   Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and
   Children, and (2) The Protocol Against Smuggling of
   Migrants by Land, Sea and Air (Treaty Doc. 108-16)


• S. 1129, Development Bank Reform and Authorization
   Act of 2005, a Bill to Provide Authorizations of
   Appropriations for Certain Development Banks, and
   for other Purposes, as Amended.

• Additional Items May Be Added…


  • 1.  Henrietta Holsman Fore

    Nominee to be Under Secretary of State for Management
  • 2.  Henry A. Crumpton

    Nominee to be Coordinator for Counterterrorism, with the Rank and Status of Ambassador at Large
  • 3.  Gillian A. Milovanovic

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia
  • 4.  James P. Cain

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Denmark
  • 5.  Alan W. Eastham, Jr.

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Malawi
  • 6. The Honorable Katherine Hubay Peterson

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Botswana
  • 7.  Michael Retzer

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania
  • 8.  Karen P. Hughes

    Nominee to be Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, with the Rank of Ambassador
  • 9. The Honorable Josette S. Shiner

    Nominee to be Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business & Agricultural Affairs
  • 10.  Kristen Silverberg

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
  • 11. The Honorable Jendayi E. Frazer

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs