START TIME: Immediately Following First Vote of the Day
1. Treaty Doc. 108-13 Additional Protocol to
   Investment Treaty with Romania
2. Treaty Doc. 108-15 Protocol Amending Additional
   Protocol Amending Investment Treaty with Bulgaria
3. Treaty Doc. 108-17 Investment Protocol with Estonia
4. Treaty Doc. 108-18 Additional Investment Protocol
   with Czech Republic
5. Treaty Doc. 108-19 Additional Investment Protocol
   with Slovak Republic
6. Treaty Doc. 108-20 Additional Investment Protocol
   with Latvia
7. Treaty Doc. 108-21 Additional Investment Protocol
   with Lithuania
8. Treaty Doc. 108-22 Additional Protocol Concerning
   Business and Economic Relations with Poland
S. Con. Res. 100, a Concurrent Resolution Celebrating
  10 Years of Majority Rule in the Republic of South
  Africa and Recognizing the Momentous Social and
  Economic Achievements of South Africa since the
  Institution of Democracy in That Country.
S. 2264, a Bill to Require a Report on the Conflict of
  Uganda, and for Other Purposes.
S. Res. 332, a Resolution Observing the Tenth
  Anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.
S. Con. Res. 344, a Concurrent Resolution
  Welcoming the Prime Minister of Singapore, His
  Excellency Goh Chok Tong, on the Occasion of His
  Visit to the United States, Expressing Gratitude to the
  Government of Singapore for its Strong Cooperation
  with the United States in the Campaign Against
  Terrorism, its Support in the Reconstruction of Iraq
  and Reaffirming the Commitment of Congress to the
  Continued Expansion of Friendship and Cooperation
  Between the United States and Singapore.
S. 2092, a Bill to Address the Participation of Taiwan
  in the WHO, with an Amendment in the Nature of a
S. J. Res. 33, a Joint Resolution Expressing Support
  for Freedom in Hong Kong, with an Amendment in the
  Nature of a Substitute.
FSO Promotion List:
Agor, Christina Jeanne, et al
Dated February 24, 2004
Brant, William L. II, et al
Dated February 24, 2004
Belmont, Paul et al
Dated February 24, 2004
Quinn, Bruce M., et al
Dated February 24, 2004
Al-Laham, Eliza F. et al
Dated April 8, 2004
1. Mr. Paul V. Applegarth
2. Victor H. Ashe
3. Mr. M. Teel Bivins
4. John Campbell
5. Jack D. Crouch
6. Mr. John J. Danilovich
7. Scott H. DeLisi
8. Jendayi E. Frazer
9. Patricia M. Haslach
10. Christopher R. Hill
11. Mr. Craig A. Kelly
12. Mr. Earle I. Mack
13. Michael W. Marine
14. Lauren Moriarty
15. Constance B. Newman
16. Roger F. Noriega
17. Mr. John M. Ordway
18. Michael C. Polt
19. Mitchell B. Reiss
20. Mr. Thomas B. Robertson
21. Fayza Veronique Boulad Rodman
22. Marc M. Wall
23. James Moriarty
24. The Honorable Thomas Charles Krajeski
25. Michele J. Sison
26. Richard B. LeBaron
27. Jeffrey D. Feltman
28. David M. Satterfield
29. The Honorable John D. Negroponte
30. Constance B. Newman
31. Aubrey Hooks
32. Thomas N. Hull, III
33. Roger A. Meece