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Business Meeting

Time: 10:00am
Location: S-116 Capitol Building
There is no video broadcast for this event.



S. Res. 237, A Resolution Welcoming the Public
   Apologies Issued by the President of Serbia and
   Montenegro and the President of the Republic of
   Croatia and Urging Other Leaders in the Region to
   Perform Similar Concrete Acts of Reconciliation.

S. Res. 256, A Resolution Observing the 50th
   Anniversary of the Mutual Defense Treaty Between
   the United States and the Republic of Korea,
   Affirming the Deep Cooperation and Friendship
   Between the People of the United States and the
   People of the Republic of Korea, and Thanking the
   Republic of Korea for its Contributions to the Global
   War on Terrorism and to the Stabilization and
   Reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq.

S. Res. 258, A Resolution Expressing the Sense of
   the Senate on the Arrest of Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky
   by the Russian Federation.


S. 950, A Bill to Allow Travel Between the
   United States and Cuba.

S. 1317, A Bill to Amend the American
   Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002 to Provide
   Clarification with Respect to the Eligibility of Certain
   Countries for United States Military Assistance.

S. 1824, a Bill to Re-authorize the Overseas Private
   Investment Corporation (OPIC).

16. FSO Promotion List, Elena L. Brineman et al
      (Dated 10/3)
      (Omit: Robert Goldberg)

17. FSO Promotion List, Kenneth C. Brill et al
      (Dated 10/3)


  • 1.  Margaret D. Tutwiler

    Nominee to be Under Secretary of State For Public Diplomacy
  • 2.  Zalmay Khalilzad

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Afghanistan
  • 3.  Louise V. Oliver

    Nominee to be Permanent US Representative to the United Nations Education, Science & Cultural Organization with the Rank of Ambassador, and to be US Representative to the 32nd and General Conference of UNESCO
  • 4.  William J. Hudson

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Tunisia
  • 5.  Margaret Scobey

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Syria
  • 6.  Thomas Thomas Riley

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco
  • 7.  Jackie Wolcott Sanders

    Nominee for the Rank of Ambassador During Her Tenure as U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament and Special Representative of the President for Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  • 8.  Mary Kramer

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Barbados and to Serve Concurrently and Without Additional Compensation As Ambassador to St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • 9.  Timothy J. Dunn

    Nominee for the Rank of Ambassador During His Tenure of Service as US Deputy Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
  • 10.  James C. Struble

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Peru
  • 11.  Hector E. Morales

    Nominee to be Alternate Executive Director of The Inter-American Development Bank
  • 12.  Marguerita Dianne Ragsdale

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Djibouti
  • 13.  Edward B. O'Donnell

    Nominee for the Rank of Ambassador During His Tenure as Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues
  • 14.  Jon R. Purnell

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • 15.  Stuart W. Holliday

    Nominee to be Alternative United States Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, with the Rank of Ambassador