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Business Meeting

Time: 09:15am
Location: S-116 Capitol Building
There is no video broadcast for this event.



• S. Res. 90, a Resolution Expressing the Sense of
   The Senate that the Senate Strongly Supports the
   Nonproliferation Programs of the United States.

• S. Res. 62, Resolution Calling upon the Organization
   of American States (OAS) Inter-American
   Commission on Human Rights, the United Nations
   High Commissioner for Human Rights, the European
   Union, and Human Rights Activists Throughout the
   World to Take Certain Actions in Regard to the
   Human Rights Situation in Cuba.

• S. Res. 149, a Resolution Expressing the Sense of the
   Senate that the International Response to the Current
   Need for Food in the Horn of Africa Remains

FSO Promotion Lists:

1. Salamanca, Beth A., et al
    Dated June 3, 2003
    (One Deletion: Denis Coleman)

2. Abdi, Ali, et al
    Dated May 22, 2003.


  • 1.  Marsha E. Barnes

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Suriname
  • 2.  Robert W. Fitts

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Papua New Guinea, The Solomon Islands and the Republic of Vanuatu
  • 3.  John E. Herbst

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Ukraine
  • 4.  Tracey Ann Jacobson

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Turkmenistan
  • 5.  George A. Krol

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Belarus
  • 6.  John F. Maisto

    Nominee to be Permanent United States Representative to the OAS, with the Rank of Ambassador
  • 7.  Greta N. Morris

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the Marshall Islands
  • 8.  Roger Francisco Noriega

    Nominee to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs
  • 9.  William B. Wood

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Colombia