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Business Meeting

Time: 09:30am
Location: 419 Dirksen Senate Office Building


S.______, an Original Bill to Authorize Foreign
   Assistance for Fiscal Year 2004, to Make Technical
   and Administrative Changes to the Foreign Assistance
   and Arms Export Control Acts and to Authorize a
   Millennium Challenge Account, and for Other
S. Con. Res. 7, a Concurrent Resolution Expressing
   the Sense of Congress that the Sharp Escalation of
   Anti-Semitic Violence Within Many Participating
   States of the Organization for Security and
   Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of Profound
   Concern and Efforts Should be Undertaken to
   Prevent Future Occurrences.
H. R. 192, a Bill to Amend the Microenterprise for
   Self-Reliance Act of 2000 and the Foreign Assistance
   Act of 1961 to Increase Assistance for the Poorest
   People in Developing Countries under Microenterprise
   Assistance Programs under those Acts, and for Other

FSO Promotion List:
1. Aarnes, Anne H., et al,
    Dated February 25, 2003
2. Ford, Charles A., et al,
    Dated April 2, 2003


  1. 1. Senator Richard Lugar

    Republican, IN


  • 1.  Ephraim Batambuze

    Nominee to be Member, Board of Directors, African Development Foundation
  • 2.  Cynthia Costa

    Nominee to be Alternate US Representative to the 57th Session of UNGA
  • 3.  Paul S. Sarbanes

    Nominee to be US Representatives to the 57th Session of UN General Assembly
  • 4.  Michael B. Enzi

    Nominee to be US Representatives to the 57th Session of UN General Assembly
  • 5. Mr. James B. Foley

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Haiti
  • 6.  Richard W. Erdman

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Algeria
  • 7.  John W. Leslie, Jr.

    Nominee to be Member, Board of Directors, African Development Foundation
  • 8.  Jeffrey Lunstead

    Nominee to be Ambassador to Sri Lanka & Maldives
  • 9.  Ralph Martinez

    Nominee to be Alternate Representative to the 57th Session of UNGA
  • 10.  James Shinn

    Nominee to be US Representative to the 57th Session of UN General Assembly
  • 11.  Harry K. Thomas

    Nominee to be Ambassador to the People's Republic of Bangladesh