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Time: 10:00am
Location: Senate Dirksen 419

Panel One

  • 1. The Honorable John R. Bass

    Of New York, to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Turkey
  • 2. The Honorable Jane D. Hartley

    Of New York, to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the French Republic and to serve concurrently as Ambassador of the United States of America to the Principality of Monaco
  • 3. Mr. Kevin F. O'Malley

    Of Missouri, To Be Ambassador of the United States of America to Ireland

Panel Two

  • 1. Mr. James D. Pettit

    Of Virginia, to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Moldova
  • 2. Mr. Brent Robert Hartley

    Of Oregon, to be Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Slovenia